This article is published in the Case Study category.

Exhibitions Use Case ā€“ Smart City Expo 2016 Barcelona

Project Goal

Smart City Expo 2016, Barcelona: understand the peak hours and real time crowd behaviour during the three days of the exhibition.

Ā .

Typical Crowd Analytics Data

Key findings

The high number of returning visitors’, over the three days, showed that many visitors were likely to beĀ exhibitors. While the typical ratio between exhibitors and visitors is usually around 0.5-0.7, the actual ratio of visitors at Smart City Expo was registered as 0.4 (40%) which can be considered relatively low (see above picture).

During the exhibition days, the peak hour was proved to remainĀ the same, i.e. at 13:00 Barcelona local time.

Smart City Expo 2016 - 17 Nov Crowd Analytics
Smart City Expo 2016 - 16 Nov Crowd Analytics
Smart City Expo 2016 - 16 Nov Crowd Analytics

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