This article is published in the Case Study category.
On October 13th 2017, the Directors of Amusement Parks in Italy gathered in the annual convention, at the end of Summer, to exchange opinion and best practices. During the meeting, the CEO of Zoomarine Italia SpA, Dr Renato Lenzi, announced the engagement in a strategic partnership with DFRC by presenting the project run during the high season in his park.
Zoomarine is a Water Theme Park located near Rome, Italy, belonging to the global world-class chain of amusement parks, Dolphin Discovery. LBASense Crowd Analytics sensors have been deployed in the park to count in real-time people at the attractions, analysing their distribution, dwell time, composition (unique vs returning visitors), and movements. The park’s forward-looking approach makes Zoomarine the first park in Italy for adoption of innovative technologies; the goal is to improve efficiency and quality of its attractions, as well as optimise the labor force in real time, being able to balance its distribution based on where staff is more needed.
Security also has been particularly taken into account, with the option of monitoring and detecting any abnormal activity in the crowd. The holding company, Dolphin Discovery, has seized this opportunity, so to assess the possibility to adopt the system for all others facilities of the group.
“Zoomarine always looks for solutions to improve our customers’ experience, at the quality level they expect and deserve. We decided for this new technology [LBASense] to better understand our guests’ habits and offer them the best entertainment offer, while optimising the work force in a more effective way”, said Dr Lenzi.
“We are proud of the collaboration, as it shows how statistical data can provide in real time useful information aimed at improving customers’ experience in the park, enabling also the organization to continuously innovate and get a quick feedback regarding their propositions to the public”, so spoke Uriel Perugia, Italy Country Manager of DFRC.
Read more about the project on the Italian press, PPN and TGGItalia.
By disclosing the main outcome of the project at the convention, Zoomarine opened the door to the various applications that LBASense enables for businesses in the Theme Parks industry, and more.
Besides the above mentioned security, marketing and productivity are also sectors where decisions can be driven by Crowd Analytics data. The Zoomarine use-case shows how knowing the most taken path from one point of interest to another can be useful to locate information panels, as well as additional service to customers. It is also possible to assess the effectiveness of promotional billboards, and, even more, to target customers with tailored offers based on their prior activity in the premises. Furthermore, the competitive analysis among points of interest allows to measure the attraction’s performance in terms of rate of conversion (e.g. how many passers-by actually step in the attraction).
If you wish to find out more about the LBASense solution for Amusement Parks, contact us.
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